Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring time fun!

Cason was an old pro with hunting the eggs. I was worried that our little all-star would throw every one he touched instead of putting it in the basket, but he proved me wrong. I had to work on Easter, which was no fun at all. I was so upset to not get to spend Easter with my family and see Cason hunt eggs for the first time. (He was only 3 months old last year.) Chris brought Cason to the ER to see me, of course we were very busy, and Kortney used an app on our phones to stream a live video to me so I could watch Cason from the ER. It definitely could have been worse.

We have been plagued with ear infections over the last few weeks. Cason began throwing tantrums, which I thought were just toddler fits but the next day was diagnosed with bilateral ear infections. He finished his antibiotic and about 4 days later began throwing the fits again and pulling at his ears. Sure enough, bilateral ear infections again. We were given more antibiotic to take. On a positive note, Cason loves taking medicine, so it's not a problem. We had been taking the second round of antibiotic for about a week when Cason had his 15 month appt with his pediatrician. Well, you guessed it...bilateral ear infections...STILL. It's so crazy to me that his very first ear infection didn't come until he was 14 1/2 months old and now he can't get rid of it. The PA that saw him said that he had a lot of drainage in his throat so we are going to start Zyrtec every day. I guess he is going to have allergies like his father. Lucky us!
We are now 8 weeks along with this pregnancy and everything is going good so far. I've been exhausted but other than that not a lot of problems. I haven't gotten sick so I am counting my blessings. We have another appointment on the 24th. I'm hoping we will get another ultrasound so we can see our precious babe again.


The Murrays said...

I LOVE the pic of him helping in the garden. What a sweet little guy!!! Glad you're not feeling sick...keep it up :-)

Melissa said...

I got the same tie for Grant for Easter. He got the purple linen shirt. Love Children's Place.