Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Isn't this just adorable? Little hiney straight up in the air.

Our family at Autumn's wedding. I love the grumpy old man look Cason is working. And the disappearing arm and one shoe look. LOL

The hubby and me

Too cute for words.

Hmmm...I'm not sure about this one. Goofballs

Cason, mom and me at Autumn and Quinton's wedding reception.

I'm so lucky...look at these sexy fellas!

April and photo partner in crime. She is as addicted as I am. LOL

The cutest boy in the world!

Slow dancing with my favorites.

My beautiful parents.

My grandparents at their 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Amazing!!!

My sisters. Aren't they gorgeous?

Cason and Papa

My happy little boy

Mommy and Cason

My wonderful family. Love them to pieces.

Okay, so, now that your eyes are burning from so many pictures, I won't write a novel like I usually do. ;-)

As you can see by the pictures, we have been very busy lately. My sisters just turned 21, my dad is now 50, my cousin Autumn married Quinton and my mom's parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, we had a fiddleback problem, took care of the fiddleback problem, I had 3 flat tires (all the same tire), and our air conditioner is not working...all in the last week!!! WOW!!!!

It was lots of fun, but also exhausting. Cason's cough is getting much better, but his cute little nose remains a snot factory. I have no idea how something that small can hold so much mucous. It's truly amazing. I think he may be starting to have a slight case of separation anxiety as well. Just in the last week, Chris and I have noticed that if either of us are in his eyesight when someone else has him, he will start whining....not crying, whining. You all know how much I love whining. Hopefully, this stage won't last long. I will especially hate it if he cries when I leave him at daycare. That alone is hard.

We have also started wheening Cason off breastmilk and onto formula. If you would have asked me when we were going to start it on Sunday, I would've had no idea. However, Monday was another story. I suddenly had a peace about it and didn't feel guilt about it anymore. Granted this also coincided with me pumping at work, so, I'm sure that helped A LOT. Monday night, Chris fed him a bottle with half breastmilk and half formula and Cason took it like a champ. I fed him a bottle of straight formula this evening and he ate it fine. Thankfully this process is going pretty well so far. I'm also not producing near as much as I used to so it was definately time. Okay, so it isn't a novel...just a short story. ;-)


JSMcGuire said...

Hey Lindsay!

I love reading up on your life with Cason, you are such a wonderful mother and I am so proud of you! Love seeing pictures of your family too! I miss seeing you all! I didn't know if you had it but I wanted to give your our blogspot site in case you wanted it. :) We are moving to OKC next month for at least three years so maybe we can make plans to catch up. :) Please tell your family I said "hello!" :)


Anonymous said...

I love, love all the pictures! we had a busy week! If i ever have a bad day i always pull up your blog and look at all the beautiful pictures! thank you! love you guys!