Sunday, July 26, 2009


Cason LOVES his food now!!! Just watch the video and you can see for yourself. I noticed today at lunch that with every bite Cason would show his approval by saying, "Mmmm." It was hilarious. Well, this evening was no different. At the very beginning of the video you can tell he was getting frustrated because it was taking me too long to get the camera ready. He isn't so patient when it comes to his food. He likes everything we've tried except peas and peaches. So, we now have several different foods under our belt. Cason likes carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans (with assistance from something else...hey you gotta do what you gotta do), pears, bananas, prunes, applesauce, and apricots with mixed fruit. And yes, you read correctly...he actually loves prunes. Which is going to come in very handy with our poopy issue, or should I say lack their of? Cason is also a big fan of apple juice now. He is becoming his own little person now, and it is so enjoyable to watch. He is much more interactive and more active. He rolls all over the place. We can't thank God enough for giving us such a lovable, happy and overall amazing son.

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