Cason and Uncle Kyle the last time we went in.
Wow, what a month!? However, things are getting much better. Cason just seems to be getting so much older and learning new things on a daily basis. He has a tooth on the bottom that is about to poke through, can sit up like a champ now, and has said his first word!!! Unfortunately, it was........'dada.' I'm okay with that though. (Even though I baked him for nine months, went through 14 hours of labor, 2 of which was pushing AND nursed him for 7 months.) Okay, so maybe I'm a little bitter. ;-) Seriously though, it is so cute. He just talks all the time now.
Cason is not nursing at all anymore. It's still kind of weird for me to mix him a bottle of formula and feed it to him, but we are adjusting rather quickly. Well, I adjusted 'rather' quickly, Cason doesn't seem to care either way. He has flown through this transition with flying colors. He did, however come down with a stomach virus the week we started the formula. It was horrible. The worst night was when Chris and I woke up around 2:00-3:00am to Cason dry heaving. It went on for 20 minutes! It was so hard to watch, knowing there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. He also had diarrhea for 4-5 days. He was put on a clear liquid diet by our pediatrician on last Monday and stayed on it until last Friday. He is much much better now and has wiped out all my fear of this sickness messing up his good eating habits by a long shot. He is back to eating just about anything and everything and almost 2 jars of baby food at a setting.
Some more exciting Kates' family news is that I am back to working 7am-7pm. I started my new schedule this week (Monday) and I am loving it so far. The only down fall is that I will work every other weekend again. This change kind of all just fell in to place for us. Chris had actually commented to me a couple of months ago that he hated it that I wasn't home in the evenings with him and Cason. Well, there wasn't any available day position at the time, so, I kind of blew it off. When one of the day shift nurses decided to leave, Chris and I began talking about what would be best for our family. Obviously we chose the day shift, and I'm very pleased with that. It has definately been nice to have dinner as a family every night this week. One of the things Chris and I discussed was that it would be hard for me to get home at 7:00pm, cook dinner and clean up and have time left over for fun before needing to go to bed, so he volunteered to start helping with the cooking on the days I work. Isn't he sweet? He really did call me from work one day with that suggestion...I just don't think he realized how firmly I would hold him to it. LOL. Monday night was the test. He was making hamburger helper when I got home with Cason on one hip, but something looked different. I could tell it didn't look normal, but he wasn't finished and I was sure that's all it was, so I grabbed Cason and let Chris finish dinner. When I got a plate, it still didn't look quite right and it tasted kind of bland, but hey, he did it and I was proud. I just ate it and went on. After dinner, Chris was bathing Cason, and I was cleaning up the kitchen and I found a packet of something next to the stove and right by the hamburger helper box. It was the sauce! That's why it was so bland and didn't look right...he forgot the sauce. After I quit laughing, I composed myself, went in to Cason's bathroom and said, "Hey honey, just for futre reference, this little packet is the sauce and it's supposed to me mixed in with everything else." He said, "I knew I was forgetting something, but Cason started crying so I went to pick him up and when I got back I must have forgotten." Hey, I'll take bland hamburger helper made with love over nothing any day!
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