Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh how he's changed

Our family on the best day of our lives, 12-31-08

And 6 months later.

This was the weekend we brought him home...he turned himself into this position...

...guess he still likes it.

Showing off his muscles the day
after he was born...

...and still showing off those muscles...such a boy.

Sleeping with daddy was just as good then... it is now.

Bath time went from this.... this. Much better!

Mommy's little boy then....

...and now...and ALWAYS

Wow, Cason is 6 months old already!!! The time has flown by so quickly. It just seems like yesterday that Chris and I were going to the doctor's office so she could tell us my water really did break and we should go to the hospital. Being a mother is by far the best thing I've ever done. I love Cason in a way that's so difficult to explain. He means so much to me, and I want to be a better person for him...a better mom, a better wife and a better nurse. I want to be a patient, loving and understanding mother for him.

He is really beginning to play a lot more with everything...his toys...people...and certain body parts, if you know what I mean. :-) He has definately found 'it', and I pull his hand away from it when he grabs it, but it just goes right back to it. If anyone has suggestions on how to break little boys from this, I'm all ears. LOL.

Seriously though, he really is so much more alert and interactive now. On Wednesday, Cason was sitting in the chair with Chris and Kelsey was sitting on the couch next to them. Well, Kelsey would shake her head, no, and Cason would watch her, grin at her, wait about 5 sec, then shake is head and laugh. It was hilarious!!! They played that game for about 20 minutes. He also has a toy that has a couple of buttons and a steering wheel on it and he will just mash those buttons so it will sing to him and turn the steering wheel back and forth so it will say the abc's or sing. It's so amazing to see him look at it, then roll or scoot his way to it, then push the buttons or turn the wheel just like he meant to. Speaking of rolling, the little rascal is a rolling machine. It's pointless for Chris and I to put a blanket down in the living room now, because he doesn't stay on it long at all. Yet, there is one in the floor now. For some reason it makes me feel better to initially put him on the blanket. Just another one of my anal tendencies, what can I say?
Cason goes to the doctor next Wednesday for more immunizations and his 6 month check-up. I'm looking forward to getting the official okay to go ahead with baby food. I think Cason will love it. He is loving his cereal still. I had a little photo shoot with Cason the day of his 6 month birthday so I will be posting those pics really soon along with the ones I take tomorrow for the Fourth of July. I'm SOOOO excited because Cason will get to ride in the parade with his cousins Addison, Carley and Schafer. Alan and Carrie are bringing the girls up for the celebration and our friend Roger and Aimee are bringing their little boy Brody. We are going to have so much fun...I can't wait.

1 comment:

The Murrays said...

I loved this post so much! Those pictures are just priceless...great job, Mama!