I think there is more "on" him than "in" him.
Grabbing the spoon and looking exceptionally adorable.
Giving daddy his first Father's Day gift.
Splashing in the turtle.
My wonderful parents
Cason loved cuddling with Tiffany and baby Connor (in her belly)
Goodbye kisses for Schafer
Happy Father's Day to all. I hope all of you great dads had a wonderful today...you deserve it. I'm so lucky to have Chris. He is a wonderul husband, but an even better dad. He is chief bath giver and three nights a week he does it all by himself because I'm working. Cason loves him to pieces, and they are so cute together. He is such a good example for Cason to follow. We had a good, full weekend. Friday night we went to watch Kelsey play co-ed softball and Cason had a good 'ol time. He loves it outside and there were lots of lights and people for him to look at. Saturday I had a baby shower that morning so Cason and Chris hung out together. I think they prefer it that way sometimes...I guess I can't really blame them. They need their "man" time. LOL. That afternoon we went to my parents for a swim party and cook-out. Cason LOVES the water. He splashes and kicks a ton!!!
We also did cereal this weekend. We are doing it around 9:00-10:00 am every morning. The first time I think I got it a little runny and the second time it was a little thick, but this morning it was great and he finished the entire bown. It, of course, gets all over him, and he is constantly trying to grab the spoon. You could tell at first that he was so confused as to why we kept taking the spoon out of his mouth. He tried to suck on it. He looks more comfortable with it every time.
This morning was Cason's dedication at church. We, along with two other couples with babies, had to stand at the front while Brother Tony read some scripture and asked that we raise Cason in the church. While we were up there Cason put on a show. He started smiling, then he got excited and started waving his arm like he was saying hi. As if that wasn't enough to get everyone's attention, Cason felt he really needed to make his presence known by screaming. I tried to readjust and hold him differently but he just turned around, made eye contact with someone who just had to smile at him and he got excited all over again. It was pretty funny. Angie, the children's minister gave Cason a little blue New Testament Bible that is adorable. I'm so happy we have such a great church family.
Chris and I are playing in a golf tournament together this weekend. I haven't hit a golf ball in over two years, and when I hit it then, it wasn't good. I'm a little nervous about the tournament. Not just because I'm not good at all, but also because the last time Chris and I played together, I was already crying at the second hole. Hopefully this weekend will go much smoother. :-)
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