Sunday, July 5, 2009

Festive Friend and Family Fun on the Fourth

Heading down to the fire station for all the fun.

Addison and Carrie

Carley Marie

My precious little man

Our first Fourth of July

Chris and Cason

Splish Splash...Cason LOVES the water.

The Kates Kiddos

The Walkup Family: Aimee, Brody and Roger

Schafer and Cason riding in the wagon.

Chris and Alan after a game of basketball

Cason and Addison going for a ride in the wagon.

Addison playing with a sparkler

Addison, Carley and Carrie waiting on the rain to stop...poor Carley gave up

Cason and Brody playing together

We had such a good time yesterday. We spent the entire day with friend and family and everyone had a blast. We went to my dad's parents in Francis like we do every year and it was fun and extremely hot as usual. We, unfortunately didn't make it in time for the parade (I was pretty upset about that), but we made it for all the games. We watched the turtle race and participated in many others. April and I competed in the three-legged race, but our rag broke right after the turn...I really think we could've won. :-) Chris tried to win the seed-spitting contest. It was kind of a different seed-spitting contest, it was with seeds from a seedless watermelon. I guess whoever bought the watermelon for the game didn't realize you need a watermelon WITH seeds. LOL. So, he spit one of those little white seed-like things. The only guy that beat him was someone that dug through the melon and actually found a lone black seed. Chris, Alan, Dad, Uncle Steve and Uncle Todd all competed in the horseshoe tournament and I think Alan beat them all. He didn't win the tournament, but he beat all of our crew...and he's never played before. During the horseshoe tournament all the girls and kiddos went back to Grandma's house for lunch and naps. Around 3:30 we headed to my parent's house to swim. Everyone really enjoyed the pool. It was so nice on such a hot day. We went back to Grandma's for burgers and hotdogs, and to wait for the fireworks. We were so excited because we had avoided the thunderstorms all day, well until it was time for the fireworks. It was horrible timing. It started raining about 30-45 min prior to the start of the fireworks and there was a lot coming our way. They postponed the show until tonight. I'm just glad Cason doesn't really know any different, so he didn't get upset. All the kids were getting pretty tired, so it wasn't too bad to get them home and to bed. They all played hard all day. Alan, Carrie and the girls and Roger, Aimee and Brody stayed the night with us and left this morning. It's weekends like this that make Chris and I realize how lucky we are to have so many wonderful friends and family. We are so blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stinking love my nephew!!! he was such a good sport on the fourth!