He got half of an Oreo for dessert one night...you think he liked it?
He kept saying "cheeeesse" LOL
Cason and daddy were wrestling...Cason won!
Just what mommy needed after a long day at work.
Landscaping in the front...work in progress, but much better than it was.
More of the front.
One of my lilies finally bloomed. Isn't it beautiful?
It's been a while since I've posted for you guys, so we are going to play catch up. We have been SOOOOOO CRAZY lately. One thing I wish I could say we aren't doing right now is battlling ear infections. (Booooo) Cason has been fighting them for 2 months now and mommy is getting sick of this. Simply because I'm mom, I'm supposed to fix it. He's been fine, I just want it over. I hate it that there isn't a magic wand I can shake to make them go away. I've done some research on them and I really believe they are drainage related, not bacteria related. He, unfortunately, is going to have allergies like his father, so, I'm afraid this may be an issue every year if we don't get control of his drainage problem. Some websites suggest tubes, however, the thought of my precious little boy being put to sleep and having surgery makes me want to vomit. I know it would be quick and would very possibly fix the problem, I just can't get over my fear. One other thing that I found while scouring through the Internet was the use of a chiropractor. I'm not quite sure what I think about this but just the fact that it could maybe keep my baby out of surgery makes it that much more appealing. We will continue to do our research and discuss our options. Cason goes back for a follow up appointment Tuesday so we will probably try to decide by then.
I've been feeling good lately. Definitely beginning to "look" pregnant. We took an over the counter urine test, Intelligender, that said we were having a boy. Chris says he knew that all along. :-) We will have an ultrasound in 5 weeks that will tell us for sure what the gender is. I'm still in awe that we are going to have two children under 2. In fact, I don't allow myself to think about it too often because I'm afraid I'll give myself and ulcer. We'll make it. It's very nice to know that we are in it together. Chris is a lot of help with Cason now and he talks about how he can't wait to have another baby to sleep on his chest again, so I'm sure he'll be just as much help with this one too. We had an appointment last Friday and were surprised with an ultrasound. Our precious babe kept opening and closing it's mouth and looked so content and happy in there. It's heart rate was 149 at this appointment. I'm 15 weeks now...hard to believe we are almost 4 months along.
Cason is growing into the sweetest little boy. Last Friday when I picked Cason up from daycare his teacher said, "I've been meaning to tell you that we are so impressed with Cason saying thank you. He says it at the appropriate time and says it all the time." I was such a proud mama at that moment. Cason does say thank you a lot, but to know that he says it even when mommy and daddy aren't there makes me so happy. We are working on please. He will sign it quite often, but has yet to attempt to say it. One thing at I time, I guess. His other teacher, Holly, told Chris one day this week that Cason "was his normal sweet self. Just goes around kissing everyone all day. Which is really sweet but he's spreading germs." I told Chris, he can just spread them, because I don't want to change a thing about my sweet little boy. After all, it's our fault that he's that way. He probably gets a hundred kisses a day from his parents. We just can't help it!
Chris had his wisdom teeth out last Friday and has recovered nicely. The stitches have been coming out the last couple of days so he's had a little discomfort, but he's been a trooper. The day after his surgery I had picked up an extra 6 hour shift in the ER, and when I got home he had done all the laundry. Certainly not what I thought he would or should be doing. I was amazed at how well he did with the surgery. Good job babe.
There are several pictures of the landscaping we've been doing around the house. My mom helped me a ton with the front. Who am I kidding, she pretty much did it for me as a birthday present. My dad helped with the brick sidewalk that we did around the back that looks great. I was so pleased with how it turned out. It all looks so good and refreshing. It's nice to have a pretty yard and pretty landscaping. There's still A LOT to do, but we are taking baby steps in the right direction. Well, I think that's all I got for now. Sorry it's been so long. This Kates' home has been anything but dull so far this summer.
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