Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I love my jumperoo!!!

Lovin on Daddy

Look at my muscles!!!

I can't believe Cason is 4 1/2 months old now. He's getting so big. The sleeping is getting a little better. We have had more good nights than bad in the last week and a half. Monday night was horrible though. Cason is teething now and he was pretty fussy for my sisters on Monday so I had them give him Tylenol. Well, after each dose he would sleep...and sleep hard. He was asleep when I got home from work but woke up around 2:00am. Chris and I both went in there but he wouldn't go back to sleep. Finally at 3:00 am I picked him up and tried to hold him and sing him back to luck. I fed luck. I rocked guessed it, no luck. So, at 4:00am I gave up and layed him on the blanket in the living room and he started cheesin and looked up at me like, "C'mon's time to play." He looked so cute, but I was so tired. He stayed up until 5:30am, then he only slept until around 7:00am. Luckily, that's the only night like that so far. (knock on wood) We got Cason a jumperoo and he loves it. We have to put a pillow under it, because he's a shorty and can't reach the floor, but it works. LOL. He mainly bounces himself side to side instead of up and down. I think he is rocking himself, because 2 nights in a row he rocked himself to sleep in it. It's the cutest thing ever. (you can see in the last two pictures...adorable huh?) He drools a ton now and chews on everything. I can't see anything in his mouth so it may be a while before he actually pops a tooth through, but he is sure working on it.

Cason starts daycare on Tuesday and I am NOT ready. We went by there last week and met his teacher and got all the paperwork we needed to fill out, and I got teary-eyed then. I'm going to be so emotional. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy with the daycare he will be going to, it's just that he won't be the only kid....there are lots more. There are only 4 babies in his room, which I was happy about, but there are older kids there too. I know, I'm being crazy...he's my baby though. :) I'm really nervous about him getting sick too. I know that it's inevitable and I know he will be fine and it's a part of it and blah blah blah. We've just been so lucky so far. I think I going to send him in a bubble like the kid on the commercial. Do you think that would work? LOL. I really am afraid that when Tuesday gets here I'm going to be borderline psychotic. I need lots of prayers please.

We are going to Chris' parents this weekend. Chris took off Friday so we can get down there early and we are both off Monday (I switched with a girl at work for Wed) so it will be a nice long, not rushed weekend. Chris will play in a tournament Sat and Sun so we might have to take Cason up to the golf course for the first time. Alan and Carrie and the girls are also going in, and we are planning on having a photo shoot of the grandkids...mainly little miss Carley. It will be fun. Okay, sorry this thing is so's been a while.


Melissa said...

He is precious! Love the muscle flex pic. Good luck Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of him asleep in the jumper. I love him so much. I am glad you updated :) I will miss you guys this weekend!