Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My two handsome fellas

My beautiful flowers I got from Mark and Carla for Mother's Day. I must say they couldn't have come at a better time. I got them at work on Thursday, when I was having a pretty bad day. Thanks again.

Momma loves her precious baby.

My Mother's Day gift from Cason. Isn't his birthstone beautiful?

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers. As you all know, this is my first Mother's Day. I'm so proud to be a member of the mommy club. It's truly the best thing ever, even through the sleepless nights that we are becoming all to familiar with. I feel like my life is perfect right now...there's not a thing that I would change. Holding and taking care of Cason just feels so right to me. I love him more than I ever thought I could. He's so perfect in so many ways, and I am enjoying seeing his little personality develope. He already seems to have such a good natured, sweet personality.

We had a great day today. We went to church this morning and then to lunch with my mom and dad. This afternoon we went to my Grandma Brenda's and hung out for a couple of hours. Cason was so good...he even sang to Grandma Brenda. LOL She was rocking him and singing to him, then he started cooing and it really did sound like he was singing. It was adorable. After we left Grandma Brenda's, we went to Granny's and visited for a little while. Our last stop was my parents. We stayed there for a couple of hours then headed home. Chris didn't go to my grandparents with us because he was sleeping when I left, but when Cason and I got home he had cleaned the house for me. It was great!!! I'm honestly the luckiest girl in the world. God is so good to me and is taking great care of me.

Thank you so much to everyone that is a part of our lives. We couldn't do anything without all of your support. God has blessed us so much with amazing friends and family. I love you all.


KrissyBo. said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day, pretty momma! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lou, it's T. I just wanted to tell you that Cason is the sweetest cutest lil guy! His lil smile brightens up the room. I'm lucky to have seen him 2 weekends in a row! Hopefully much more too! You look great and you are Chris are doing a wonderful job. Love you!!