Sunday, May 31, 2009

5 months old

Cason swinging in the swing set Nana and Papa K just got.

Addison posing with her little sis Carley

Cason and Addy in their matching outfits

Precious Carley

Absolutely adorable Addison

Daddy, Grandma Brenda, Cason, Mom, Kort, Aunt Tracy and Raelyn at Relay for Life

Papa and Grammy with Cason at Relay for Life

Cason is now 5 months, in fact. He has learned so much in his first five months. Just over that last couple of weeks he has really started laughing a lot and playing with his feet all the time. He is finally sleeping through the night on a regular basis...that just started a little over a week ago. He is sleeping now from around 9:30pm-6:30am. I am so happy about that accomplishment. Cason rolls over all the time now from front to back and he is soooo close at rolling over from back to front. He loves his jumperoo and is teething like no other. He loves bath time now too...we all remember what it was like the first couple of weeks. Oh man, it was bad. He is starting to reach for people sometimes, and we are working on sitting up. As you can see, he's been a busy boy.

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Haworth with Chris' family. Alan, Carrie, Addison and Carley were also in, so we had a good 'ol time. The guys played in a golf tournament Sat and Sun and all four had a good time and played well. Carrie and I were planning on having a photo shoot with all 3 kiddos but that's a little harder than I anticipated with a 2 year old, 4 1/2 month old and 1 1/2 month old. Addison and I had a good time outside, though. She was a trooper. We got to see all Chris' grandparents while we were it too, so that was nice.

Cason went to daycare again on Thursday and did good again. I got to thinking though, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell me any different. Oh well, I still like to hear them say that he's doing good. I didn't cry when I dropped him off Thursday. I was pretty proud of myself. The kids were all outside so his teacher was going to put sunscreen on him and take him out there too. This will be the first full week of daycare so we will see how that goes.

Ada had their Relay for Life event Friday night and we took Cason. He had a good time....he loves it outside. We had Indian Tacos, listened to some people sing, walked around the track for 30 min in memory of all those with cancer and we sat through the luminaire service as they read the names of all the survivors and those who have lost their battle. It was very touching. So many people have been affected directly and indirectly by such an awful disease. My family, unfortunately lost a dear man, Uncle Darrell, to lung cancer a couple of years ago. I would give anything for Cason to have been able to meet him. I have a feeling they would've been great buddies. I say all of this, to ask all of you to say a quick prayer for all those affected either presently or in the past by such a draining, exhausting, painful and emotional disease.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Loving the patriotic outfits! So cute. He's getting so big. He's such a cutie.