Wednesday, May 4, 2011


or holy moly, it's been a long time and let me tell you, we have been busy. We've made a trip to Haworth to visit the Kates' family, colored Easter eggs, had Easter parties, celebrated Easter and have started potty training. Whew, that's a lot. I figured you would all be much happier to learn of our adventures through pictures and not words so hear it goes (well, with as few words as I can handle ;-))...

Carley, Addison and Cason

The Kates babies...and Cason's fro!

Caught this moment while watching TV at
Nana and Papa K's house...melt my heart.

He's always so happy.

Future GQ model, dontcha think?

Our boys in their Easter outfits.

Celebrating Easter at daycare

Cason loves parties in class.

Hunting Easter eggs at school.

Dying Easter eggs with Laney

Let's put stickers on...

...and hair. We made monster eggs!

Easter 2011

Big boy
Look at Cason's loot.

We had to hide the eggs several times
because Cason LOVED finding them.

Kellan and his HUGE smile that mommy LOVES

Flushing the potty after he pee
peed like a big boy.

We are so proud of our big boy.

Love these moments

I know I said pictures not words, but I have to brag...after all, I am a mommy first. We started potty training last Monday ( 10 days ago) and couldn't be more proud of our oldest. He loves it when mommy and daddy make such a big deal of his feats. His smile couldn't stretch and further and he claps and raises his hands in excitement. I must say, it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Well, 2 nights ago we only had 1 accident from the time he got home, around 5:30pm, to when he went to bed. Last night, though...are you ready for this...NO accidents!!!! I'm so proud of Cason and hope for continued success.

There wasn't too many words, right? Besides, wouldn't you brag too?

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