Friday, March 11, 2011

In sickness and in health

We've had enough sickness and are ready for some health. Our sweet boys have been plagued with enough respiratory illnesses for a heard of elephants. I'm ready to kick them to the curb...the illness, not the boys. :-) Both boys have had RSV and bronchitis, then poor Kellan was diagnosed with pneumonia. I knew he wasn't kicking the bronchitis with as much might has big bubba Cason, but when he started wheezing I took him back to our pediatrician. A negative flu swab and chest x-ray later he was diagnosed with pneumonia in his right lower lobe. My heart ached for him and I just knew I was about to hear, "he needs to be admitted." Thankfully, those words never came and we were told to go home on a strict breathing treatment regimen that included a steroid, antibiotics and an oral steroid. Poor Kellan looked like he was coming off of some drugs, he was shaking so bad. He couldn't sleep or even rest. It was so sad to see our happy go-lucky, smile all the time little boy not have a smile anywhere in sight for a couple of days. I hated it for him, but I know it played a huge part in his recovery. Kellan is getting much better, still coughing, but no more wheezing. Dr. Ramadan warned us the cough may hang around for weeks. However, the smiles have returned so mama is happy. Cason is also feeling much better. He is as ornery as ever. In fact, as I was getting ready to do Kellan's breathing treatment yesterday, Cason said "I do it" and began climbing into the chair to sit next to Kellan. I assumed he was going to hold it for Kellan, after all, he is such a good big brother and has no jealousy issues. (Hope you sensed the sarcasm.) He, in fact, got up in the chair and took the mask and put it on his nose and mouth. He sat there and did the entire 10 minute treatment, handed it to me and said, "I finished." Well, okay then.

I have some big news for our cute little two-year-old...he's going to be famous!!! Yup, you heard me right, famous. The Urgent Care owner, Lee, that I work for has recently bought some billboards around town, and yours truly will be gracing one of the billboards. I cannot wait to see what he does when he sees it for the first time. Lee sent the picture to the advertising company today, so it's in the works. I'm not sure when it's supposed to be up though. I'll let you all know. Believe me, you will all see pictures of it.

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