Cason eating Thanksgiving dinner at daycare.
Give him a ball and he's good for a while.
Sweet Carley
Little miss Addison
I love Cason's look in this pic..."seriously mom, another picture?"
Giving kisses
Aren't they adorable? They look a lot alike.
Cason loved Nana K's Thanksgiving dinner.
Cason giving Schafer kisses.
Aren't their shirts adorable? Thanks April, for telling me about it.
Merry Christmas from the Kates
I know, I's been FOR-EV-ER!!! We've been so busy lately. Between work, getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for Cason's birthday and just raising a sweet little 11 month old, I haven't done very well with keeping this updated. Probably the most shocking news is that Cason is quite the little ladies man. Two weeks ago, when I picked him up from daycare Miss Billie said, "Well, whose going to tell her what happened?" I immediately began having palpitations and having thoughts of what he could have possible done race through my head. Well, I never dreamed that Miss Pam would say, "We think you might need to give him the 'birds and the bees' talk pretty soon." Apparently, my sweet, innocent little boy was all over the little girl in his class. There is only one little girld and he found her. They said that they had to separate them from kissing several times and one time they watched the two of them as they crawled from oppposite sides of the room toward each other with moths open and tongues out. They stopped them before they reached each other, but I think all they needed before they stopped them was some popcorn and sappy romantic music. I told the teachers that I was pretty embarassed but I'm sure Chris would be pretty proud, and I was right. I called Chris immediately and his initial response was "Yeah" with a sneaky chuckle behind it. The very next week Cason got yet another report of misconduct...kissing the same girl, UNDER THE HIGHCHAIR!!! Can you believe it!?!?
Cason is also clapping now and loves to play pat-a-cake. He will pull up on things sometimes, but not always, and doesn't seem to have any interest in walking. He will stand for a little while while holding on to your hands, but no steps. I have decided to quit worrying about when or how he does things and just let them happen. I will assist with learning, but I can't force it. I think he has Chris' laid back, patient personality, so he will do it in his own time.
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